Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Look what I found...

Yes, this beautiful acorn squash was hiding downstairs to keep cool during the winter months. 
I purchased quite a few squashes from the gardeners market last summer, just for this occasion!

How beautiful this vegetable is - don't forget to save the seeds. 
You never know when you might need to plant a garden. 

Usually I bake them in the oven, but tonight, I didn't want to wait an hour for dinner, so upside-down they went into a glass casserole with about an inch of water into the microwave for 10 minutes, then another 8.

 Here's why we need to keep the seeds from every fruit or vegetable we eat. 
I washed the seeds & placed them on a full-sized dinner plate so you could see how many I harvested. Think about this for a minute. If you placed 3 seeds in each garden hole, you'd reap the benefits from what, about 10 -20 squash plants. How many squash would you reap from those plants? Maybe 100-250?

How many neighbors, or friends or family could you feed from just one small acorn squash?
Ah, the blessings from Mother Earth...