Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Different Scenery 

Can you guess where I am?

Yep - California here I come

Right back where I started from...

This was a very unexpected trip.

I shouldn't complain as I was able to miss part of Utah's winter.
Instead of -8 or even zero degrees,
I've been enjoying crisp 60 degree to nice warm 80 degree days.

I wish I could tell you that this was a joy trip,
well I suppose visiting your mother should bring joy into your life.
But this trip was out of necessity.

Anyone else out there caring for an elderly parent?
Roles certainly switch places. strength replaces weakness
and weakness replaces where strength once was.

But this is a time to cherish, this is a time to learn more about 
your roots, your parents and yourself.

I only had to begin at the refrigerator:

"Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a GIFT. 
That's why it's called the present."


My goal in life is to weigh what my driver's license says I do!


A Prayer for the World

Let the rain come and wash away
the ancient grudges, the bitter hatreds
held and nurtured over generations.
Let the rain wash away the memory
of the hurt, the neglect.
Then let the sun come out and
fill the sky with rainbows.
Let the warmth of the sun heal us
wherever we are broken.
Let it burn away the fog so that
we can see each other clearly.
So that we can see beyond labels,
beyond accents, gender or skin color.
Let the warmth and brightness
of the sun melt our selfishness.
So that we can share the joys and
feel the sorrows of our neighbors.
And let the light of the sun
be so strong that we will see all
people as our neighbors.
Let the earth, nourished by rain,
bring forth flowers
to surround us with beauty.
And let the mountains teach our hearts
to reach upward to heaven.
-Rabbi Harold S. Kushner