La Nay Ferme & Organic Fresh Food
Daniel, a graphic designer & business marketing guru, (also someone I consider to be my friend) introduced me to the work of his brother, Clinton Felsted. La Nay Ferme is Clinton's creation. La Nay Ferme is an organic farm in Provo Utah with a goal of providing local organic produce to the surrounding communities as well as teaching those interested in organic farming.
Here's one of the images from their sites.
To be uplifted & thoroughly inspired, check out the 2 following links to learn about their farms & produce in general.
Below are a couple of dinner meals created in our kitchen.
These are very simple to create. The yams were placed in the microwave for 10 minutes in a 1/2 - an inch of water. The veggie burger patty took 1 minute & 30 seconds in the microwave - so even when you're exhausted & still feeling you'd like to eat, you can enjoy a well-balanced meal within about 10 minutes time.
Most of the products eaten in our home are the freshest that we can get & organic as much as possible.
Marcy Hope Williams
PS You can read more about my writing at