Who's the omelet for?
Blink of course! Blink is a 4-legged family friend. He's an Australian Shepherd & really appreciates my cooking!
As you might know by now, I think all of our diets are transitional & that's because we are forever changing. Molecular-ally speaking our cells are in constant motion as is the universe.
In a typical transitional diet - one from carnivorous to plant-eating, we usually give up 'red' meat first. That usually means giving up pork, lamb & just about every other animal except fish & chicken, well, maybe some turkey.
As we re-define our diets & lifestyles, our physical needs, including our taste buds sharpen up & help us to better determine our choices of food. We may even eventually choose to give up eggs and/or dairy. I do not see any difference for our canine friends. I do not feed dogs red-meat products, but I will serve them chicken, turkey, eggs & even fish - & they love it!
The biggest differences between pre-prepared dog food & good nutritional food is the freshness & quality. For a beautiful canine - they too deserve the best you can offer them.
All of my dogs from as far back as the '70's were fed diets similar to my own. They were physically beautiful & had nice temperaments too. They were fed the best cereals for breakfast with a nut or soy milk & a nice well-balanced nutritious meal at night.
When I serve a canine, I like to include a grain, yam or potato with a vegetable & some sort of plant-based protein.
Once I had 2 shepherds - they were sisters & ate very differently from each other. The pure white shepherd, named Majesty, actually pealed her own oranges & bananas & ate like a princess (I promise - I am not exaggerating!). Her sister Angel-Love devoured everything in site.
My dog Makwa (which means bear in Ojibwe), loved raw mushrooms as snacks. Each animal is different & has different nutritional needs.
So when those beautiful puppy-dog eyes catch your attention, perhaps, reward them with a wholesome nutritious treat - you know they're worth it!
And Please Remember - chocolate can be poison to dogs!
I leave you with peace in your soul & joy in your heart,
Marcy Hope Williams
PS. I've personally never owned a cat. I had a sister who was allergic to cats, but dogs were allowed. :)