Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dinner & A Spiritual Analogy

1st - dinner, then the analogy! 

On our menu tonight, we have torn butter lettuce from Saturday's Gardener's Market, handful of grape tomatoes, halved artichoke hearts, Peoloponnese Kalamata pitted olives, a sprinkling of cooked golden couscous, topped with a couple of sprigs of fresh basil & not to forget, a drizzle of Annie's Goddess Dressing (good for men too - I promise).

If you've never tried fresh basil in your salad, you'll in for a treet - the taste is so refreshing & invigorating. The only ingredient I wished I had was cubed cucumbers - that would have been perfect! Perhaps you can remember them on your next shopping trip!

Here's a photo of the salad mixed & ready to eat! It was delicious!

This is me & Cherry. Cherry is a 13-year-old delightfully young Shih Tzu. The owner (another writer & his wife) told me that Cherry sat in this position for 20 minutes. They told me perhaps her tail acts as a support & balance - personally, I was amazed!

The Analogy

Remember how a couple of days ago, I shared my sprout project with you? I grew half of the sunflower seeds in a mason sprouting jar & the other half were grown in good ol' Mother Earth. We viewed how the seeds which were grown in Mother Earth by far, out-surpassed the ones in the mason jar.

So, I was thinking today in class how important it is where we choose to plant our spiritual seeds (ourselves). Do I plant myself in a desolate desert or do I plant myself in a fertile field? Which soil nurtures my growth best?

What soil have you planted your seed in?

At church today the lesson was an analogy of a seed. We discussed how two people may both have been given a potent viable seed and both may have each planted their seed in fertile ground; however, if one tends to their plant by proper watering & nourishing it, and the other ignores the plant once it begins to sprout, which one do you think will flourish?

Our spiritual seeds too need to be tended & nurtured - they cannot be ignored. Only when we properly feed these spiritual seeds with faith, hope & action, do they grow, mature & ripen to the beautiful creation intended.

I leave you tonight with all of the peace & love in my heart.
PS: Don't worry, I won't run out!

Marcy Hope Williams