Tuesday, July 24, 2012


(pronounced twee-gah)

Now available at story-express.com!

Author Marcy Hope Williams shares her original folktale, which tells the story of a young  giraffe with a middle-child complex. Travel with her to the plains of the Serengeti in Africa to witness this triumphant tale of self discovery. And don't be surprised if you pick up some Swahili along the way! This book is dedicated to all of the sons & daughters who ever questioned their mother's love.

This special 1st edition of Twiga is a six-page short story printed on 5 1/2" X 8 1/2" paper. The unique cover art was created by award-winning master silk painter Christine Sutherland (csutherlandart.net) & is guaranteed to touch your heart. A must for all family libraries.  

AVAILABLE NOW!                            Price: $3.50

For all ages, especially for children & teens