Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Utah's Pioneer Day


So why are our streets lined with flags this day you ask? On July 24th each year Utah celebrates our statehood. The displays of the American flag are set up as a fund-raiser by the Boy Scouts for special activities throughout the year, usually summer camps. To me, this is beautiful site. 

I've lived in Utah now for 24 years & had never previously thought, of all of the places all over the world I would be living, that I would be here in Utah, but sure enough, here I am. Utah has provided me with a safe and healthy environment to raise my children and I am thankful. 

Here's a bit of Utah history to get acquainted. According to Wikipedia & other sites, "this day commemorates the entry of Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon settlers into the Salt Lake City Valley." The pioneers were seeking a place of refuge for their religious freedom so they traveled westward from Illinois. Typically government buildings are closed and fireworks, parades & rodeos are abundant.

The Little Bloomsbury Foundation is head and led by Chinese fire-cracker, Dr. B. C. Sun. The organization stands for "Promoting Peace and Hope in an Uncertain World." Every year now, for 6 consecutive years, Brenda has organized an art show for the local schools and community out of her uniquely-styled gallery home here in Logan, Utah. The art show is centered by a special theme she chooses every year, always to engage her Foundations's goal of Promoting Peace and Hope in an Uncertain World.  

I participated in two of her art shows by submitting a new cover of my children's book, A Crack in the Night © for 2010 and a special poem and artwork I created for her show in 2011 based on my upcoming soon-to-be-released book, Ruby Rose Comes to Town ©. The event brings together creative individuals like non other. The structure you see above was created by high-school students as a tribute to one nation. Brenda told me the students worked on this project for a combined 600 hours. This work stands about 20 feet high.